- say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ

say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ

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Should we say 'explain me' or 'explain to me'? 'tell me' or 'tell to me'? How about 'say' and 'clarify'? Find out how to use these common verbs correctly in your daily English conversations.

00:00 Introduction
00:34 Say
01:01 Tell
01:24 Say or Tell
01:51 Say & Tell in Phrases
03:10 Explain
05:18 Clarify

Watch related lesson:
Prepositions with basic verbs: https://youtu.be/-Uvp4MEdmoM

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A little about me:

My name is Minoo. I’m originally from Iran, and I live and work in the U.K.

I’m a qualified English teacher and teacher trainer, but that’s not what makes me good at my job.

I just love teaching! It makes me feel good when I can share something I’ve learned with others. That’s why I still love teaching English after 40 years of doing it!

English is such a vast and complicated language! My passion is to make it as easy as possible for others to learn. My students always praise my ‘clear explanations’ and 'structured method'.

I suppose I can explain things well because I’m not a native speaker. I’ve struggled with English grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary myself. I’ve had to work out the rules and learn the exceptions, and I just love sharing my own discoveries with others like me who are learning English as a foreign language.

Thank you so much, everyone, for all the ‘likes’ and your lovely and supportive comments! I'm so grateful for your support!
Introduction - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:00:00 - 00:00:34
Say - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:00:34 - 00:01:01
Tell - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:01:01 - 00:01:24
Say or Tell - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ

Say or Tell

say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:01:24 - 00:01:51
Say & Tell in Phrases - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ

Say & Tell in Phrases

say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:01:51 - 00:03:10
Explain - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:03:10 - 00:05:18
Clarify - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:05:18 - 00:06:13
00:00:00 - 00:00:02: 動詞の使い方がよくわからないことがありますか 00:00:02 - 00:00:05: say tell Explain と Clarify は正しく説明してください 00:00:07 - 00:00:09: こんにちは、皆さんようこそ 00:00:09 - 00:00:10: anglo-link の minoo です 00:00:10 - 00:00:13: 私はよくこれらの動詞の使い方の間違いを耳 00:00:15 - 00:00:17: にします 意味は非常に似ていますが、構造は似ていませ 00:00:19 - 00:00:21: ん レッスン 00:00:21 - 00:00:23: よくある間違いを見て、 00:00:23 - 00:00:26: すべての正しい 00:00:26 - 00:00:28: フォームを確認します。このレッスンの PDF バージョンが必要な場合 00:00:31 - 00:00:33: は、右の説明ボックスのリンクを使用して、anglo-link の pdf ライブラリに参加してください。 00:00:39 - 00:00:41: ここに 2 つの文があり、どちらの 00:00:41 - 00:00:45: ほうがあなたにとってより正しく聞こえるか i said to him I said 00:00:45 - 00:00:48: that i was said or i said him that 00:00:55 - 00:00:57: i was 00:01:01 - 00:01:05: 右へ 動詞を見てみましょう 00:01:05 - 00:01:07: どれが正しいか教えてください 私は彼 00:01:07 - 00:01:11: に私は驚いたと言いました または私は彼に私は驚いたと言いました 00:01:14 - 00:01:17: あなたは正しい答えを今推測したと思います 00:01:18 - 00:01:20: 私は彼に私は驚いたと言いました 00:01:20 - 00:01:24: あなたは 2 つ必要ありません 2 つ必要ありません 00:01:24 - 00:01:27: 次の 1 つを見てみましょ 00:01:27 - 00:01:29: う どちらがあなたにとってより正しいと言うか教え 00:01:29 - 00:01:31: てください 00:01:31 - 00:01:33: 私は驚いたと言いました または 私は驚い 00:01:38 - 00:01:40: たと言い 00:01:42 - 00:01:44: ました この種の 00:01:44 - 00:01:46: 構造で 00:01:46 - 00:01:49: は、話している相手について言及しない場合は、 00:01:51 - 00:01:54: right しか使用できません say を見て、いくつかの 00:01:56 - 00:01:58: でこれらのどちらがより正確 00:01:58 - 00:01:59: に聞こえるか教えてください 00:01:59 - 00:02:02: 彼にさよならを言いました 私は彼にさよならを言いました 00:02:02 - 00:02:05: 私は彼にさよならを言いました or 私は 00:02:09 - 00:02:12: た 正解は d です 私は 00:02:12 - 00:02:14: 彼に 00:02:26 - 00:02:29: さよならを言いました 00:02:29 - 00:02:31: 別のフレーズを見て、 00:02:31 - 00:02:34: say と tell のどちらを使うべきかを決めましょう 00:02:34 - 00:02:38: 彼女が私に話したのはどのような話ですか 彼女は私に話したのです 00:02:41 - 00:02:44: か 彼女は私に話を送ったのですか 彼女は私に話したの 00:02:45 - 00:02:50: か どちらがより正しいように聞こえ 00:02:50 - 00:02:54: ます ここで正解 彼女は私に 00:02:54 - 00:02:55: ある話を 00:02:55 - 00:02:57: してくれました nd ここに他のいくつかのフレーズがあり 00:02:59 - 00:03:01: 彼は良いジョーク 00:03:01 - 00:03:04: を伝えます 彼は私にいくつかのジョークを言いました 00:03:04 - 00:03:07: 彼女は決して嘘をつきません 00:03:07 - 00:03:10: 彼女はいつも私たちに真実を話します 00:03:10 - 00:03:14: 正しいことを言うだけです 00:03:14 - 00:03:17: 動詞に移りましょう 00:03:17 - 00:03:20: 3 つの構造で x 平面を見ていると説明しましょう 00:03:20 - 00:03:22: 最初の構造では、2 つの 00:03:22 - 00:03:26: 別々の句が接続され 00:03:26 - 00:03:28: ており、どちらがより正確に聞こえるか教えてください。それ 00:03:35 - 00:03:36: は a 00:03:36 - 00:03:43: i は彼に私が初心者だと説明したのですか、それとも b i は彼に私が初心者だと説明したのです 00:03:43 - 00:03:45: か? 正解は a 00:03:45 - 00:03:48: i です 私は 00:04:02 - 00:04:05: 初心者だと彼に説明した 00:04:11 - 00:04:14: 私は 00:04:14 - 00:04:16: 彼に問題を説明し 00:04:16 - 00:04:19: 、最後に次の 00:04:19 - 00:04:21: ような単語を含む 3 番目の構造を 00:04:26 - 00:04:29: 説明します。 00:04:30 - 00:04:36: 問題が彼にあったとき 00:04:36 - 00:04:39: の正解は、私は 00:04:39 - 00:04:42: 彼に問題が何であるかを説明した 00:04:42 - 00:04:45: ので、最初に来る問題のような名詞 00:04:47 - 00:04:50: がある場合、誰かに問題を説明 00:04:50 - 00:04:52: しますが、What Where Who Why asで始まる節がある場合 00:04:52 - 00:04:56: これは非常に長い 00:04:56 - 00:05:00: ので、後でそれを書きます。問題が何であるかを彼に説明し 00:05:05 - 00:05:07: ます。この構造では、必要に応じてドロップできる人に言及する必要がないという小さなメモです。 00:05:10 - 00:05:13: 問題が何であるかを説明したと言えます。 00:05:14 - 00:05:18: または彼女はなぜ彼女が早く去ったのかを説明し 00:05:18 - 00:05:22: 、最後 00:05:22 - 00:05:24: にこれらの文のどれが正しいかを明確にしましょう. 00:05:24 - 00:05:27: 私は彼に問題を明確にしました.または私 00:05:27 - 00:05:30: は彼のために問題 00:05:30 - 00:05:36: を明確にしました.明確にする 00:05:36 - 00:05:39: ための正しい前置詞は 00:05:39 - 00:05:42: 何ですか. 00:05:42 - 00:05:45: 誰かに何かを明確にする 誰かのために何かを明確にすることを確実に言うようにしてください。 00:05:49 - 00:05:51: これで、すべてのトピックに関するレッスンと演習のこのレッスンは終わりです anglolink.com で 00:05:54 - 00:05:56: 私のオンライン コースに参加し、 00:05:59 - 00:06:01: することを忘れないでください 00:06:01 - 00:06:03: 次の 00:06:03 - 00:06:06: レッスンが利用可能になったときに通知を受け取ることを許可してください 見てくれてどうもありがとう。






Introduction - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson


Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:00:00 - 00:00:49
LIE & LAY - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson


Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:00:49 - 00:01:14
LIE - British English - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson

LIE - British English

Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:01:14 - 00:01:59
LAY - American English - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson

LAY - American English

Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:01:59 - 00:02:35
Transitive & Intransitive - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson

Transitive & Intransitive

Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:02:35 - 00:03:25
Second meaning of LIE - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson

Second meaning of LIE

Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:03:25 - 00:03:46
RISE & RAISE - Intransitive - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson

RISE & RAISE - Intransitive

Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:03:46 - 00:04:36
RISE & RAISE - Transitive - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson

RISE & RAISE - Transitive

Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:04:36 - 00:05:08
RISE & RAISE - As nouns - Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson

RISE & RAISE - As nouns

Lie & Lay | Rise & Raise | British English Vs American English | Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson
00:05:08 - 00:05:49
Introduction - Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar


Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar
00:00:00 - 00:00:30
Active to Passive formulation - Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar

Active to Passive formulation

Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar
00:00:30 - 00:00:55
Passive formulation - Present Perfect - example 1 - Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar

Passive formulation - Present Perfect - example 1

Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar
00:00:55 - 00:01:32
Passive formulation - Present Perfect - example 2 - Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar

Passive formulation - Present Perfect - example 2

Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar
00:01:32 - 00:02:05
Passive formulation - Present Perfect - example 3 - Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar

Passive formulation - Present Perfect - example 3

Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar
00:02:05 - 00:02:58
Three uses of the Past Participle - example 1 - Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar

Three uses of the Past Participle - example 1

Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar
00:02:58 - 00:03:48
Three uses of the Past Participle - example 2 - Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar

Three uses of the Past Participle - example 2

Present Perfect: Active & Passive | Participle Adjectives | Advanced English Grammar
00:03:48 - 00:05:03
Introduction - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:00:00 - 00:00:34
Say - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:00:34 - 00:01:01
Tell - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:01:01 - 00:01:24
Say or Tell - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ

Say or Tell

say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:01:24 - 00:01:51
Say & Tell in Phrases - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ

Say & Tell in Phrases

say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:01:51 - 00:03:10
Explain - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:03:10 - 00:05:18
Clarify - say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ


say & tell | explain & clarify | English grammar in conversation | QUIZ
00:05:18 - 00:06:13
Introduction - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice


Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:00:00 - 00:00:30
No. 1 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 1

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:00:30 - 00:00:47
No. 2 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 2

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:00:47 - 00:01:01
No. 3 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 3

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:01:01 - 00:01:20
No. 4 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 4

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:01:20 - 00:01:37
No. 5 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 5

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:01:37 - 00:01:53
No. 6 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 6

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:01:53 - 00:02:12
No. 7 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 7

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:02:12 - 00:02:32
No. 8 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 8

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:02:32 - 00:02:53
No. 9 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 9

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:02:53 - 00:03:15
No. 10 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

No. 10

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:03:15 - 00:04:05
As « throw up » !!! 😅🤮 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice

As « throw up » !!! 😅🤮

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Bring | English vocabulary practice
00:03:34 - 00:04:05
Introduction - Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect |  Common mistakes in daily conversations


Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect | Common mistakes in daily conversations
00:00:00 - 00:00:28
Common mistake No.1 - Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect |  Common mistakes in daily conversations

Common mistake No.1

Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect | Common mistakes in daily conversations
00:00:28 - 00:01:28
Common mistake No.2 - Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect |  Common mistakes in daily conversations

Common mistake No.2

Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect | Common mistakes in daily conversations
00:01:28 - 00:02:04
Typical dialogue - Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect |  Common mistakes in daily conversations

Typical dialogue

Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect | Common mistakes in daily conversations
00:02:04 - 00:02:30
Common mistake No.3 - Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect |  Common mistakes in daily conversations

Common mistake No.3

Already Yet Still Ever Never with Present Perfect | Common mistakes in daily conversations
00:02:30 - 00:03:59
Introduction - Interested or Interesting? |  Participle Adjectives  |  Common Mistakes


Interested or Interesting? | Participle Adjectives | Common Mistakes
00:00:00 - 00:00:39
Participle Adjectives - Interested or Interesting? |  Participle Adjectives  |  Common Mistakes

Participle Adjectives

Interested or Interesting? | Participle Adjectives | Common Mistakes
00:00:39 - 00:01:04
Usage - Interested or Interesting? |  Participle Adjectives  |  Common Mistakes


Interested or Interesting? | Participle Adjectives | Common Mistakes
00:01:04 - 00:01:36
Common Mistake - Interested or Interesting? |  Participle Adjectives  |  Common Mistakes

Common Mistake

Interested or Interesting? | Participle Adjectives | Common Mistakes
00:01:36 - 00:01:53
Example 1 - Interested or Interesting? |  Participle Adjectives  |  Common Mistakes

Example 1

Interested or Interesting? | Participle Adjectives | Common Mistakes
00:01:53 - 00:02:42
Example 2 - Interested or Interesting? |  Participle Adjectives  |  Common Mistakes

Example 2

Interested or Interesting? | Participle Adjectives | Common Mistakes
00:02:42 - 00:03:58
Introduction - have been in vs have been to | prepositions of place | English grammar


have been in vs have been to | prepositions of place | English grammar
00:00:00 - 00:00:24
'been in' vs 'been to' - have been in vs have been to | prepositions of place | English grammar

'been in' vs 'been to'

have been in vs have been to | prepositions of place | English grammar
00:00:24 - 00:01:44
Typical dialogue - have been in vs have been to | prepositions of place | English grammar

Typical dialogue

have been in vs have been to | prepositions of place | English grammar
00:01:44 - 00:02:47
Introduction - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice


Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:00:00 - 00:00:35
No. 1 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 1

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:00:35 - 00:01:03
No. 2 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 2

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:01:03 - 00:01:29
No. 3 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 3

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:01:29 - 00:01:51
No. 4 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 4

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:01:51 - 00:02:20
No. 5 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 5

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:02:20 - 00:02:38
No. 6 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 6

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:02:38 - 00:03:04
No. 7 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 7

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:03:04 - 00:03:25
No. 8 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 8

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:03:25 - 00:03:57
No. 9 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 9

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:03:57 - 00:04:19
No. 10 - Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice

No. 10

Top 10 phrasal verbs with Take | English vocabulary practice
00:04:19 - 00:05:09
Introduction - English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)


English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)
00:00:00 - 00:00:33
Present Continuous (I am doing) - English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)

Present Continuous (I am doing)

English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)
00:00:33 - 00:01:02
Present Perfect Continuous (I have been doing) - English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)

Present Perfect Continuous (I have been doing)

English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)
00:01:02 - 00:01:36
Are these tenses interchangeable? - English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)

Are these tenses interchangeable?

English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)
00:01:36 - 00:02:45
Special case - English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)

Special case

English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)
00:02:45 - 00:03:21
Watch out for state verbs - English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)

Watch out for state verbs

English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)
00:03:21 - 00:04:15
Dialogue - English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)


English tenses | Present Perfect Continuous (have been doing) & Present Continuous (am doing)
00:04:15 - 00:05:39
Introduction - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?


10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:00:00 - 00:00:41
No. 1 (Spelling) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 1 (Spelling)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:00:41 - 00:01:17
No. 2 (Spelling) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 2 (Spelling)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:01:17 - 00:01:57
No. 3 (Spelling) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 3 (Spelling)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:01:57 - 00:02:32
No. 4 (Spelling) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 4 (Spelling)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:02:32 - 00:03:03
Other spelling mistakes - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

Other spelling mistakes

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:03:03 - 00:03:22
No. 5 (Grammar) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 5 (Grammar)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:03:22 - 00:04:01
No. 6 (Grammar) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 6 (Grammar)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:04:01 - 00:05:00
No. 7 (Grammar) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 7 (Grammar)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:05:00 - 00:05:31
No. 8 (Grammar) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 8 (Grammar)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:05:31 - 00:06:17
No. 9 (Grammar) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 9 (Grammar)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:06:17 - 00:06:55
No. 10 (Grammar) - 10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?

No. 10 (Grammar)

10 Common spelling and grammar mistakes made by native English speakers | Can you correct them?
00:06:55 - 00:07:46