動画一覧 - ChristinaRebuffet - 英語学習DB ChristinaRebuffetの動画一覧です。 https://english.streamdb.net/videos-rss/c/UCtWyH1MB_A3OggdzoGtkeQA Fri, 19 Apr 24 00:13:04 +0900 Effective Communication in Leadership (and in Life) https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/wfB9IWni_Co Fri, 19 Apr 24 00:13:04 +0900 Effective Communication in Leadership (and in Life) This week, we talk about effective communication with leaders and managers. Join Lyndsie and Karyn as they delve into the art of communication in the workplace, discussing tips for navigating conversations with leaders, the importance of transparency, and fostering genuine connections. In this episode, we'll explore: 1️⃣ Explaining the "why" behind tasks. 2️⃣ Avoiding one-sided conversations. 3️⃣ Embracing authenticity in communication. Forbes Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/07/07/15-common-leadership-communication-problems-and-how-to-correct-them/?sh=2228f5f4281e 📧 Stay Connected:  Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWt2NFFteVN3VjJSTDdmTFdKMVZyRy1hTDA2d3xBQ3Jtc0ttMllYbXJkcFRwbzlNZTd5bDFjRFNVak9GOEZ2STh3VlRQbG1qMGVVRDFHNGc2WTZOdFJNQ3BGV2tza050cTcwNV9KSm1Ub1hYWURpaVVpRzZHOUNNV1U0eVRobmZaRzRsRE1TY0swTGFscjk2S3g1TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fchristinarebuffet.com%2F&v=mjWIrzF9Yxg) 🎤 Join the Conversation:  Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer:  Use code ECC40  for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHB3MjJ4ZkppaVk4OGd6Sl9RQXQ3MEQ4QVhyQXxBQ3Jtc0tuRGI4M1lCMzJQUzRFdExJUGU3ZG4yYVViS0hwSk15aTJpUVUyZzdqMGV6d1lMbkdieE5NZE5NSEZjVzZYRmI4ZmxhYzlsNDNEc3hQWE5xR0hUV21kR2pPd3hnU1R6NVVyRXlrUFhuWjF4NXpiSzlocw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmybusinessenglishcourses.com%2Fenglish-conversation-club&v=mjWIrzF9Yxg) #businessenglish (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/businessenglish) #ConversationSkills (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/conversationskills) #practicespeakingenglish (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/practicespeakingenglish) #USA (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/usa) #SmallTalk (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/smalltalk) #englishcoaching (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/englishcoaching) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais French Entrepreneurs' Expensive Mistakes in the U.S. Market, with Sylvain Perret https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/93mCQLevJ2Y Wed, 17 Apr 24 20:11:40 +0900 French Entrepreneurs' Expensive Mistakes in the U.S. Market, with Sylvain Perret I'm excited to welcome a good friend and collaborator as my 1st guest ever on this podcast: Sylvain Perret from Objectif USA . In this episode, Sylvain discusses the challenges faced by French entrepreneurs coming to the US and the 5 biggest mistakes they often make. He's worked with more than 150 entrepreneurs and small businesses, so he's seen it all. In other words, if you are a French business and you're looking to set up in the USA, hire Americans, or simply do business with Americans, you need to listen to this episode so you avoid these costly mistakes. Takeaways • Adapt your product or service to the needs of the US market • Maintain good communication within your business and with customers • Understand the differences in business law between states • Have a clear business plan and realistic expectations • Be prepared to put in the time and effort required to succeed in the US Adapt your products or services to suit the US market and meet the needs of US customers. • Communicate effectively and manage your business with care, considering both customers and employees. • Read and understand contracts thoroughly, and seek legal advice to ensure compliance and protection. • Budget appropriately and have enough financial resources to cover the costs of starting and running a business in the US. • Consider the impact on the family and ensure everyone is fully committed to the project before making the move. Quotes • "The success is not getting the E2 visa, the success is still being in the United States after three years." • "One of the biggest mistakes is that people do not adapt their offer, they do not adapt their product to the United States." • "The law won't protect you. What will protect you is the contract." • "It takes money to make money. You clearly need to have money to come to the United States." Keywords French entrepreneurs, US market, business challenges, mistakes, communication, business law, adaptation, entrepreneurship, business, US market, communication, contracts, costs, family, adaptation #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Interview with Sylvain Perret: "5 Very Expensive Mistakes I've Seen by French Entrepreneurs in th... https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/uRJlAisjDaM Wed, 17 Apr 24 14:24:30 +0900 Interview with Sylvain Perret: "5 Very Expensive Mistakes I've Seen by French Entrepreneurs in th... I'm excited to welcome a good friend and collaborator as my 1st guest ever on this podcast: Sylvain Perret from Objectif USA .  In this episode, Sylvain discusses the challenges faced by French entrepreneurs coming to the US and the 5 biggest mistakes they often make.  He's worked with more than 150 entrepreneurs and small businesses, so he's seen it all.  In other words, if you are a French business and you're looking to set up in the USA, hire Americans, or simply do business with Americans, you need to listen to this episode so you avoid these costly mistakes.  Takeaways • Adapt your product or service to the needs of the US market • Maintain good communication within your business and with customers • Understand the differences in business law between states • Have a clear business plan and realistic expectations • Be prepared to put in the time and effort required to succeed in the US Adapt your products or services to suit the US market and meet the needs of US customers. • Communicate effectively and manage your business with care, considering both customers and employees. • Read and understand contracts thoroughly, and seek legal advice to ensure compliance and protection. • Budget appropriately and have enough financial resources to cover the costs of starting and running a business in the US. • Consider the impact on the family and ensure everyone is fully committed to the project before making the move. Quotes • "The success is not getting the E2 visa, the success is still being in the United States after three years." • "One of the biggest mistakes is that people do not adapt their offer, they do not adapt their product to the United States." • "The law won't protect you. What will protect you is the contract." • "It takes money to make money. You clearly need to have money to come to the United States." Keywords French entrepreneurs, US market, business challenges, mistakes, communication, business law, adaptation, entrepreneurship, business, US market, communication, contracts, costs, family, adaptation #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Comment les Américains Prospectent Vs les Français ? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/-FWgPysbmsc Mon, 15 Apr 24 19:15:00 +0900 Comment les Américains Prospectent Vs les Français ? Turn your videos into live streams with Restream https://restre.am/ANIm Stratégies avec Christina Rebuffet-Broadus Rejoignez-nous pour un épisode spécial de "Parole de Pro" où nous plongeons au cœur de la prospection commerciale à travers les lunettes franco-américaines avec l'experte Christina Rebuffet-Broadus. Au programme: un comparatif riche en enseignements entre les méthodes américaines et françaises de prospection. Découvrez les stratégies qui inspirent de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique, les nuances culturelles influençant les approches commerciales, et comment ces différences peuvent enrichir votre propre stratégie de prospection. Une séance de questions en direct vous offrira l'opportunité unique de poser vos questions à Christina et d'obtenir des conseils avisés pour dynamiser votre approche commerciale. Ne ratez pas ce rendez-vous transatlantique d'inspiration et d'échange pour booster votre prospection à l'international! Building Trust and Relationships in the US Market #SHORTS https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/F6q5yvs8QQc Mon, 15 Apr 24 14:00:13 +0900 Building Trust and Relationships in the US Market #SHORTS Many European entrepreneurs struggle to attract American clients because they assume a one-size-fits-all approach will work. However, there are significant cultural differences between Europe and the USA, and the US market is unique. To overcome these challenges, entrepreneurs should conduct deep dive research on the American market, tailor their communication to be clear and concise, and focus on building trust and relationships. Examples of successful strategies include adapting to asynchronous learning solutions, highlighting the value proposition of products or services, and revamping LinkedIn profiles. By understanding the differences and taking the right approach, European entrepreneurs can succeed in the US market. Keywords prospecting, American clients, European business strategy, cultural differences, deep dive research, tailor communication, building trust, relationships, US market TAKEAWAYS European entrepreneurs need to adapt their strategies when trying to attract American clients. Deep dive research on the American market is crucial to understand customer demographics, buying habits, and industry trends. Tailoring communication to be clear, concise, and focused on the value proposition is important for attracting American clients. Building trust and relationships is still important in the fast-paced US business environment. Examples of successful strategies include adapting to asynchronous learning solutions, highlighting the problem-solving aspect of products or services, and revamping LinkedIn profiles. 👉 Participate in (and get a free copy of the 2024 Report on Selling to US Clients: https://www.christinarebuffetcourses.fr/benchmark-report-2024 🤝 Let' connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinarebuffetbroadus/ ♻️ If this was useful for you, help me help others! Please share it with your network. #BusinessCommunication #AmericanMarket #USA #InterculturalCommunication #LinkedInStrategy #GrowYourBusiness #USmarket #Entrepreneurship #BusinessEnglishCoaching #StartUp #e2visa #shorts #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Tailoring Communication for American Audiences #SHORTS https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/ovIzY-UXZ_g Sun, 14 Apr 24 14:00:20 +0900 Tailoring Communication for American Audiences #SHORTS Many European entrepreneurs struggle to attract American clients because they assume a one-size-fits-all approach will work. However, there are significant cultural differences between Europe and the USA, and the US market is unique. To overcome these challenges, entrepreneurs should conduct deep dive research on the American market, tailor their communication to be clear and concise, and focus on building trust and relationships. Examples of successful strategies include adapting to asynchronous learning solutions, highlighting the value proposition of products or services, and revamping LinkedIn profiles. By understanding the differences and taking the right approach, European entrepreneurs can succeed in the US market. Keywords prospecting, American clients, European business strategy, cultural differences, deep dive research, tailor communication, building trust, relationships, US market TAKEAWAYS European entrepreneurs need to adapt their strategies when trying to attract American clients. Deep dive research on the American market is crucial to understand customer demographics, buying habits, and industry trends. Tailoring communication to be clear, concise, and focused on the value proposition is important for attracting American clients. Building trust and relationships is still important in the fast-paced US business environment. Examples of successful strategies include adapting to asynchronous learning solutions, highlighting the problem-solving aspect of products or services, and revamping LinkedIn profiles. 👉 Participate in (and get a free copy of the 2024 Report on Selling to US Clients: https://www.christinarebuffetcourses.fr/benchmark-report-2024 🤝 Let' connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinarebuffetbroadus/ ♻️ If this was useful for you, help me help others! Please share it with your network. #BusinessCommunication #AmericanMarket #USA #InterculturalCommunication #LinkedInStrategy #GrowYourBusiness #USmarket #Entrepreneurship #BusinessEnglishCoaching #StartUp #e2visa #shorts #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais The Art of Small Talk: Conversations That Spark Connection https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/BMfMzK5xejA Sun, 14 Apr 24 04:00:34 +0900 The Art of Small Talk: Conversations That Spark Connection This week, I talk about mastering the art of small talk to build meaningful connections in any situation. Curious about how to turn small talk into big connections? Tune in to discover the secrets. In this episode, we'll explore: 1️⃣ Breaking the ice effortlessly in just 10 words 2️⃣ Navigating awkward silences with finesse and ease 3️⃣ Crafting memorable conversations that leave a lasting impression Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Deep Dive Research for the US Market #shorts https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/LJyO33kzh2o Sat, 13 Apr 24 14:00:16 +0900 Deep Dive Research for the US Market #shorts Many European entrepreneurs struggle to attract American clients because they assume a one-size-fits-all approach will work. However, there are significant cultural differences between Europe and the USA, and the US market is unique. To overcome these challenges, entrepreneurs should conduct deep dive research on the American market, tailor their communication to be clear and concise, and focus on building trust and relationships. Examples of successful strategies include adapting to asynchronous learning solutions, highlighting the value proposition of products or services, and revamping LinkedIn profiles. By understanding the differences and taking the right approach, European entrepreneurs can succeed in the US market. Keywords prospecting, American clients, European business strategy, cultural differences, deep dive research, tailor communication, building trust, relationships, US market TAKEAWAYS European entrepreneurs need to adapt their strategies when trying to attract American clients. Deep dive research on the American market is crucial to understand customer demographics, buying habits, and industry trends. Tailoring communication to be clear, concise, and focused on the value proposition is important for attracting American clients. Building trust and relationships is still important in the fast-paced US business environment. Examples of successful strategies include adapting to asynchronous learning solutions, highlighting the problem-solving aspect of products or services, and revamping LinkedIn profiles. 👉 Participate in (and get a free copy of the 2024 Report on Selling to US Clients: https://www.christinarebuffetcourses.fr/benchmark-report-2024 🤝 Let' connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinarebuffetbroadus/ ♻️ If this was useful for you, help me help others! Please share it with your network. #BusinessCommunication #AmericanMarket #USA #InterculturalCommunication #LinkedInStrategy #GrowYourBusiness #USmarket #Entrepreneurship #BusinessEnglishCoaching #StartUp #e2visa #shorts #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais The US Prospection Problem You Didn't Know You Had https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/EU-aEBnhY-w Sat, 13 Apr 24 04:11:25 +0900 The US Prospection Problem You Didn't Know You Had Many European entrepreneurs struggle to attract American clients because they assume a one-size-fits-all approach will work.  However, there are significant cultural differences between Europe and the USA, and the US market is unique. To overcome these challenges, entrepreneurs should conduct deep dive research on the American market, tailor their communication to be clear and concise, and focus on building trust and relationships. Examples of successful strategies include adapting to asynchronous learning solutions, highlighting the value proposition of products or services, and revamping LinkedIn profiles.  By understanding the differences and taking the right approach, European entrepreneurs can succeed in the US market. Keywords: prospecting, American clients, European business strategy, cultural differences, deep dive research, tailor communication, building trust, relationships, US market  TAKEAWAYS  • European entrepreneurs need to adapt their strategies when trying to attract American clients.  • Deep dive research on the American market is crucial to understand customer demographics, buying habits, and industry trends.  • Tailoring communication to be clear, concise, and focused on the value proposition is important for attracting American clients.  • Building trust and relationships is still important in the fast-paced US business environment.  • Examples of successful strategies include adapting to asynchronous learning solutions, highlighting the problem-solving aspect of products or services, and revamping LinkedIn profiles.  👉 Participate in (and get a free copy of) the 2024 Report on Selling to US Clients: https://www.christinarebuffetcourses.fr/benchmark-report-2024 🤝 Let' connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinarebuffetbroadus/ ♻️ If this podcast was useful for you, help me help others!  Please share it with your network.  #BusinessCommunication #AmericanMarket #USA #InterculturalCommunication #LinkedInStrategy #GrowYourBusiness #USmarket #Entrepreneurship #BusinessEnglishCoaching #StartUp #E2Visa #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais The Art of Persuasion and Influence https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/ciPggi2TXWE Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:47 +0900 The Art of Persuasion and Influence This week, we dive into the intricate world of the art of persuasion. Ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly sway opinions and influence decisions? Join us as we unravel the secrets behind the power of persuasion. In this episode, we'll explore: 1️⃣ The psychology behind effective communication techniques. 2️⃣ Strategies for building rapport and trust with your audience. 3️⃣ The ethical considerations of persuasive tactics in various contexts. 📧 Stay Connected:  Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWt2NFFteVN3VjJSTDdmTFdKMVZyRy1hTDA2d3xBQ3Jtc0ttMllYbXJkcFRwbzlNZTd5bDFjRFNVak9GOEZ2STh3VlRQbG1qMGVVRDFHNGc2WTZOdFJNQ3BGV2tza050cTcwNV9KSm1Ub1hYWURpaVVpRzZHOUNNV1U0eVRobmZaRzRsRE1TY0swTGFscjk2S3g1TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fchristinarebuffet.com%2F&v=mjWIrzF9Yxg) 🎤 Join the Conversation:  Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer:  Use code ECC40  for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHB3MjJ4ZkppaVk4OGd6Sl9RQXQ3MEQ4QVhyQXxBQ3Jtc0tuRGI4M1lCMzJQUzRFdExJUGU3ZG4yYVViS0hwSk15aTJpUVUyZzdqMGV6d1lMbkdieE5NZE5NSEZjVzZYRmI4ZmxhYzlsNDNEc3hQWE5xR0hUV21kR2pPd3hnU1R6NVVyRXlrUFhuWjF4NXpiSzlocw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmybusinessenglishcourses.com%2Fenglish-conversation-club&v=mjWIrzF9Yxg) #businessenglish (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/businessenglish) #ConversationSkills (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/conversationskills) #practicespeakingenglish (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/practicespeakingenglish) #USA (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/usa) #SmallTalk (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/smalltalk) #englishcoaching (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/englishcoaching) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais How to spot "Fake News" https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/f7lpnV4B9yI Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:46 +0900 How to spot "Fake News" This week Christina and Lyndsie talk about "Fake News" on the web.  Ever find yourself reading an article that seems outlandish, only to check the date and it's from 5 years ago? You're not alone! In this episode, we explore: 1️⃣ HOW we view our news 2️⃣ Tips for source checking 3️⃣ The importance of doing your own research when you come across news stories 📧 Stay Connected:  Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com 🎤 Join the Conversation:  Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer:  Use code ECC40 for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club #businessenglish #ConversationSkills #practicespeakingenglish #USA #SmallTalk #englishcoaching Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais What Truly Defines Success? A Fresh Perspective https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/EEnNwaZA0io Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:44 +0900 What Truly Defines Success? A Fresh Perspective This week, I talk about redefining the traditional measures of success and exploring its deeper meanings. Ever wondered if success could mean something more personal and fulfilling?  In this episode, I'll explore: 1️⃣ The limitations of conventional success measures 2️⃣ Alternative stories that redefine success 3️⃣ How personal fulfillment shapes success 📧 Stay Connected:  Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com 🎤 Join the Conversation:  Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer:  Use code ECC40 for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club #businessenglish #ConversationSkills #practicespeakingenglish #USA #SmallTalk #englishcoaching Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Are you languishing at work? What to do! https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/Y5aY5rdQJyo Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:42 +0900 Are you languishing at work? What to do! This week, I talk about overcoming feelings of languishing and staying motivated at work, even for international professionals facing new challenges. Feeling uninspired? Reignite your work passion with these practical tips! In this episode, I'll explore: 1️⃣ Finding meaning in your work  2️⃣ Setting small goals for success  3️⃣ Simple ways to refresh your work environment Stay Connected:  Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com (https://christinarebuffet.com/) Join the Conversation:  Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. Special Offer:  Use code ECC40  for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club #businessenglish #ConversationSkills #practicespeakingenglish #Motivation #WorkLifeBalance #internationalprofessionals Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais How does emotional intelligence impact your salary? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/wYHWRNmf8R8 Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:40 +0900 How does emotional intelligence impact your salary? This week, I talk about the critical role of emotional intelligence in professional success. Discover how EQ (“emotional quotient”... It’s like IQ, but for emotional intelligence) can give you access to higher salaries and career advancement opportunities. In this episode, I'll explore: 1️⃣ How EQ impacts your earning potential 2️⃣ EQ's influence on career progression 3️⃣ Building professional relationships with EQ 📧 Stay Connected:  Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com 🎤 Join the Conversation:  Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer:  Use code ECC40 for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club #businessenglish #ConversationSkills #practicespeakingenglish #USA #SmallTalk #englishcoaching Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais What makes remarkable employees? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/lxKl5qfuv3U Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:37 +0900 What makes remarkable employees? This week, I talk about the vital blend of leadership and followership qualities in remarkable employees. Ever wondered what makes some employees stand out in any workplace? This episode is your answer. In this episode, I'll explore: 1️⃣ The essential qualities of effective leaders 2️⃣ Key followership traits that complement leadership 3️⃣ How blending both sets elevates workplace dynamics 📧 Stay Connected:  Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com 🎤 Join the Conversation:  Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer:  Use code ECC40 for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club #businessenglish #ConversationSkills #practicespeakingenglish #USA #SmallTalk #englishcoaching Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Good communication skills = Success? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/M4TE-UahUAA Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:34 +0900 Good communication skills = Success? This week, I talk about the crucial role of effective communication in achieving success. Ever wondered how better communication could transform your career and personal life? In this episode, I'll explore: 1️⃣ The undeniable impact of clear communication 2️⃣ Strategies to enhance your communication skills 3️⃣ Simple practices for everyday improvement 📧 Stay Connected: Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: [https://christinarebuffet.com](https://christinarebuffet.com) 🎤 Join the Conversation:  Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer:  Use code ECC40 for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club #businessenglish #ConversationSkills #practicespeakingenglish #USA #SmallTalk #englishcoaching Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais What's the best place to set up a business? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/vrCz4rPUptY Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:27 +0900 What's the best place to set up a business? This week, I talk about the fascinating choices behind deciding where to open your business internationally. (And even if you're not planning to open a business in another country, if you're just interested in all things international like me, you'll enjoy this episode too!) Discover the secrets to choosing the best place for living and working in another country in this captivating episode. In this episode, I'll explore: 1️⃣ Global opportunities and cultural insights for entrepreneurs 2️⃣ Common mistakes when picking a business location 3️⃣ The surprising truth about business location importance 📧 Stay Connected: Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com 🎤 Join the Conversation: Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer: Use code 'ECC40' for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club #businessenglish #ConversationSkills #practicespeakingenglish #USA #SmallTalk #englishcoaching Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais There's no "right" way to succeed https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/VaBGd801Djk Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:25 +0900 There's no "right" way to succeed Explore the intersection of language learning and entrepreneurship in this week's episode. We dive into insights from Arcaea CEO Jasmina Aganovic, discussing the need for practical skills in education. This is an opportunity to rethink how we approach English learning and business, especially in dynamic environments like France. This episode was inspired by the article "What this MIT-trained CEO wishes school taught her differently: There’s no ‘right way’ to succeed" (https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/28/arcaea-ceo-jasmina-aganovic-what-i-wish-school-taught-me-differently.html) In this episode, you'll discover: 1️⃣ Jasmina Aganovic's perspective on education and its application in the real world. 2️⃣ The importance of practical skills in language learning and entrepreneurship. 3️⃣ How engaging with native speakers and culture enhances language acquisition. 4️⃣ The role of creativity and adaptability in business success. 5️⃣ Personal reflections on the balance between appreciating one's talents and continuous improvement. 📧 Stay Connected: Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on business communication and personal growth: https://christinarebuffet.com/ 🎤 Join the Conversation: Enhance your English fluency and professional network in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer: Use code 'ECC40' for 40% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club  #BusinessEnglish #Entrepreneurship #LanguageLearning #PracticalSkills #PersonalDevelopment Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Embracing Mental Toughness: 1% Gains https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/0g48xhAQLdI Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:24 +0900 Embracing Mental Toughness: 1% Gains Let's dive into the world of mental toughness in this week's episode. Whether you're setting goals for the year or looking to build resilience, I've got insights that will reshape the way you approach challenges and personal growth. This episode is a little different from past episodes, because I want to experiment with a different format. AND you can also watch the video version of this podcast (with subtitles) over on my YouTube Channel. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjWIrzF9Yxg) In this episode, I'll explore: 1️⃣ The true meaning of mental toughness and why it's more than just enduring hardships. 2️⃣ Insights from an intriguing article about small, consistent changes leading to significant outcomes. 3️⃣ The 1% marginal gains rule by Sir Dave Brailsford and its transformative impact on British Cycling. 4️⃣ Real-life examples of microexcellence and how focusing on tiny improvements can lead to staggering results. 5️⃣ A little about my personal journey of applying the 1% gains concept in my everyday life. 📧 Stay Connected: Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly insights on improving business communication skills, English, and yourself: https://christinarebuffet.com (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWt2NFFteVN3VjJSTDdmTFdKMVZyRy1hTDA2d3xBQ3Jtc0ttMllYbXJkcFRwbzlNZTd5bDFjRFNVak9GOEZ2STh3VlRQbG1qMGVVRDFHNGc2WTZOdFJNQ3BGV2tza050cTcwNV9KSm1Ub1hYWURpaVVpRzZHOUNNV1U0eVRobmZaRzRsRE1TY0swTGFscjk2S3g1TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fchristinarebuffet.com%2F&v=mjWIrzF9Yxg) 🎤 Join the Conversation: Ready to become fluent faster? Speak with professionals worldwide in the English Conversation Club. 🎁 Special Offer: Use code 'ECC50' for 50% off your first month in the club! Become a member today at https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/english-conversation-club (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHB3MjJ4ZkppaVk4OGd6Sl9RQXQ3MEQ4QVhyQXxBQ3Jtc0tuRGI4M1lCMzJQUzRFdExJUGU3ZG4yYVViS0hwSk15aTJpUVUyZzdqMGV6d1lMbkdieE5NZE5NSEZjVzZYRmI4ZmxhYzlsNDNEc3hQWE5xR0hUV21kR2pPd3hnU1R6NVVyRXlrUFhuWjF4NXpiSzlocw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fmybusinessenglishcourses.com%2Fenglish-conversation-club&v=mjWIrzF9Yxg) #businessenglish (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/businessenglish) #ConversationSkills (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/conversationskills) #practicespeakingenglish (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/practicespeakingenglish) #USA (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/usa) #SmallTalk (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/smalltalk) #englishcoaching (https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/englishcoaching) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais The worst thing about New Year's resolutions https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/Fvo_CNwwCl0 Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:23 +0900 The worst thing about New Year's resolutions Rethink your New Year's resolutions with the English Conversation Club Podcast. Are you setting goals for 2024? Stop right there and play our latest episode first! Christina and Sheila are ready to change your views on New Year’s resolutions. What’s in store? 1️⃣  Sheila’s unique reason for skipping New Year’s resolutions. 2️⃣  Christina uncovers the psychological “traps” behind these annual goals. 3️⃣  How New Year’s resolutions set you up for failure--Sheila explains. 4️⃣  Christina's insights on how you can address the real issues behind your resolutions. Join us while we re-think New Year's resolutions. Is it time for you to change your perspective? Tune in to find out! 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais How to sound confident and more persuasive. https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/WDX59Vd7UZ0 Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:21 +0900 How to sound confident and more persuasive. Welcome to the English Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready while taking you on a deep dive into cultural and business topics. Do you ever wish you could sound more confident and persuasive--in any language? In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Christina and business communication coach Janeen on how you can communicate better and help people understand your point of view. Janeen will share secrets on: 1️⃣  How to find your confidence without sounding manipulative or coercive. 2️⃣  The surprising reason why your intent matters so much interpersonal communication. 3️⃣  Why you should stop trying to persuade people and what you should do instead. 4️⃣  How Christina knows when someone is trying to sell her something--and it’s not working. If you’ve ever had someone try to sell you something in a less-than-ideal way, Or if you want to learn some quick and actionable changes you can make to sound persuasive and authentic… Listen to the podcast! 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Do you have the entrepreneurial spirit? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/qP1qRjcSzYY Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:20 +0900 Do you have the entrepreneurial spirit? Welcome to the English Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready while taking you on a deep dive into cultural and business topics. In today’s episode, we’ll ask you the question: Do you have the entrepreneurial spirit? Christina and Linda will both discuss their point of view--from the American perspective. What’s in store for the discussion? 1️⃣  What qualities make up the entrepreneurial spirit? 2️⃣  How great are the chances that you will NOT succeed as an entrepreneur? 3️⃣  Why being an entrepreneur is not a way to ‘get rich quick.’ 4️⃣ Whether or not Linda has the entrepreneurial spirit? What about you? Does the entrepreneurial spirit appeal to you? Find out… 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais What Drives Happiness? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/u5G3cO0uQjI Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:18 +0900 What Drives Happiness? Welcome to the English Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready. What drives happiness? In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Christina and Andrew about what leads to happiness. They’ll talk about 1️⃣  6 scientifically-backed keys to happiness 2️⃣  Why exercise is important and why you don’t actually have to go to the gym to be happy 3️⃣  The surprising role money plays in happiness 4️⃣ If happiness is a choice For a deep dive into all these topics and more… 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Taking Stock of the Year https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/PyYfethd-0g Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:17 +0900 Taking Stock of the Year Welcome to the English Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready. In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Christina about taking stock of the year. What will you learn in this episode? 1️⃣  What it means ‘to take stock of the year’ in English--and why it’s a common cultural practice. 2️⃣ How Christina looks back on her year and reflects. 3️⃣  Why it’s important to look at what you’ve accomplished and celebrate. 4️⃣  Christina’s tips for thinking about what you hope to do next. For more inspiration on reflecting on last year and thinking about next year… 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Are you ready for a career change? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/Gi_9Nsnh-Nc Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:16 +0900 Are you ready for a career change? Welcome to the English Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that helps you speak up in English while learning about cultures from around the world! In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Christina and Karyn about career changes. What’s in store today? You’ll learn… 1️⃣  How many times Karyn has changed careers! 2️⃣  The stories of celebrities you’ve heard of who made big career changes. 3️⃣  How people view career change in the U.S. Listen to the podcast! 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais 9 World Holidays You Haven’t Heard Of https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/FxbYQQTytn0 Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:14 +0900 9 World Holidays You Haven’t Heard Of Welcome to the English Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready. Do you love a deep dive into cultures from around the world? Then you’ll love today’s episode. Today, you’ll hear from Christina and Sheila on some exciting holidays from around the world. As you listen, see if you can find the answers to these questions… 1️⃣ In what country can you find the “Turkey Parade?” (And no, it’s not the U.S.) 2️⃣ What is one way of celebrating the winter holidays in northern Europe that Sheila is not ready to try any time soon? 3️⃣ What is the fruit you must eat in Spain on New Year’s Eve? 4️⃣ What Christmas tradition do they celebrate from London to Christina’s hometown, Pascagoula, Mississippi? Ready to find out? 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Tips for setting goals and sticking to them https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/D2MoYjix65Y Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:11 +0900 Tips for setting goals and sticking to them Welcome to the English Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready. How often do you stop to think about your goals? In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Christina and Lyndsie on setting goals…and sticking to them. They’ll talk about: 1️⃣  Lyndsie’s smart go-to method for keeping an eye on her goals all year long, 2️⃣  Why Christina says that setting goals for your life is like driving a car, 3️⃣  Lyndsie and Christina’s favorite way of recording and setting goals, 4️⃣  Christina’s system for going from big “someday goals” to smaller goals you can reach this year or this week. Listen to this podcast, get excited about your goals…and start taking steps to get there! 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Hobbies as Passions: Are people with hobbies more successful? https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/QwGmxrMYl4U Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:10 +0900 Hobbies as Passions: Are people with hobbies more successful? Welcome to the English Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready. In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Christina and guest Linda about hobbies, passions…and if they make us more successful. What if being successful in your business and your job isn’t just about working harder and “hustle?” What if stopping for a minute and relaxing with your favorite hobby is important to success? Some of the highlights of today’s conversation: 1️⃣  Christina’s fun and surprising hobby that she’s been taking part in lately. 2️⃣  What Linda was missing after she moved to France--and how she boosted her creativity. 3️⃣  What does it feel like to immerse yourself in a creative hobby--according to Linda and Christina? 4️⃣ And they’ll make the case for ‘pointless’ hobbies. What about you? Do you have a hobby or passion that makes you more creative…or successful?  🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the English Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'EECC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Leadership tips and the secret to being a great leader https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/x6FU-HovNmQ Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:08 +0900 Leadership tips and the secret to being a great leader Welcome to the Faster Fluency Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready. In today’s episode, you’ll hear uncommon leadership tips from Christina and Janeen--and the secret to being a great leader. 1️⃣  What kind of communication skills does a great leader need? 2️⃣  The difference between long-term and short-term thinking and why it matters to leaders. 3️⃣  What is big-picture thinking, and why is it important to leaders? 4️⃣ The one surprising thing that no leader can lead without… 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the Faster Fluency Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'FFCC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais Elon Musk's New Biography: Genius or... https://english.streamdb.net/timelines/v/RBft2piYjAY Fri, 12 Apr 24 21:28:00 +0900 Elon Musk's New Biography: Genius or... Welcome to the Faster Fluency Conversation Club Podcast: the business English podcast that gets you conversation-ready. In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Christina and expert teacher and business communications coach, Andrew on the topic of Elong Musk’s new biography.  They’ll ask some tough (difficult) questions about Musk, for example… 1️⃣  How exactly do you pronounce “Elon”? According to Christina and Andrew. 2️⃣  Is focusing on results and goals at all costs while forgetting people skills and empathy a good policy for modern-day entrepreneurs and business owners? 3️⃣  What has influenced Musk’s success in business? Genius? Innovation? Drive? Or coming from a family with…money. 4️⃣ Will either Andrew or Christina read this book? To find out what Christina and Andrew have to say about this topic, check out today’s lively podcast discussion. 🎧Listen to the Podcast 🎧 Get the transcript for this episode. (https://christinarebuffet.com/worksheets/) 📧 Never miss an episode! Improve your business communication skills weekly when you sign up for the newsletter! (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) Plus, get exclusive invitations to live, free events. (https://christinarebuffet.com/workshops/) 🎤Want to join the conversation? Become fluent faster by speaking several times a week with professionals from all around the world.  Join the Faster Fluency Conversation Club today! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Use the code 'FFCC50' to receive 50% off your 1st month in the club! (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) Support the show (https://mybusinessenglishcourses.com/faster-fluency-conversation-club/join-now) #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais #American English #learn English #english lessons #videos to learn english #christina rebuffet #speak english with christina #learn English speaking #English coaching #coaching in English #coaching in English best programs #online English coaching #best coaching English fluency #coaching en anglais