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The Illusion of Growth: A Lament for Earth and Mankind

The Illusion of Growth: A Lament for Earth and Mankind

In the corridors of modern economics, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reigns supreme as the ultimate measure of a nation's prosperity. It is often considered the yardstick by which success is gauged, fuelling an endless pursuit of growth. Yet, this ceaseless craving for expansion carries a heavy toll—one that is often neglected in discussions around fiscal policy and economic development. The following poem, "The Illusion of Growth: A Lament for Earth and Mankind," seeks to explore the darker facets of our growth-centric paradigm, examining its impact not just on human society but also on the planet that sustains us. This poetic critique invites us to question whether our current metrics of success are the ones we should truly be aiming for, as we weigh the future of both mankind and the Earth. The Illusion of Growth: A Lament for Earth and Mankind In chambers of power, where numbers convene, The lords of economy polish their sheen. They speak of a metric, GDP by name, A barometer for progress, in the global game. But beneath the veneer of this grandiose chart, Lie ripples and tremors that tear us apart. A tale less told, of the Earth's quiet lament, Of forests and rivers, their sanctity spent. For GDP’s gospel, a religion devout, Counts smokestacks and steel, but leaves nature out. It tolls for the factories, not for the trees, Measures skyscrapers tall, disregards dying bees. In quest for more growth, we pillage the land, Extracting her essence with unyielding hand. Yet, Nature's account, in arrears, goes untold, Her ledger’s red ink in no spreadsheet is scrolled. "We're richer!" we claim, clad in material guise, Ignoring the storms that now darken our skies. We trade our clean air for the comfort of cars, And light-polluted nights obscure even the stars. No metric of wealth can measure the cost, Of species extinct, and ecologies lost. For GDP's hunger is never appeased, Till Earth lies in ruin, and humanity seized. Infinite growth on a planet so finite, Is a paradox destined to snuff out the light. Yet still we proceed, in our growth-fetish dance, Unaware or unheeding, of consequence and chance. So let's shift our gaze from this perilous creed, To metrics that capture what humans truly need. To live in accordance with nature's wise laws, Is the change we must seek, for a far nobler cause. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:59
The Eternal Echo of Brussels' Muscles: A Tribute to Jean Claude van Damme

The Eternal Echo of Brussels' Muscles: A Tribute to Jean Claude van Damme

In the vibrant tapestry of pop culture, certain figures loom larger than life, shaping not just the landscape of entertainment but also the personal narratives of those who find inspiration in their art. Jean Claude van Damme, the "Muscles from Brussels," is one such luminary, whose impact reverberates far beyond the confines of the cinematic world. Through his electrifying performances in the '80s and '90s, van Damme not only dazzled audiences but also sowed the seeds of aspiration in a generation of men. While not all could reach the pinnacle of physicality and prowess he displayed, his essence has endured as a lasting imprint on our lives. The following poem, "The Eternal Echo of Brussels' Muscles: A Tribute to Jean Claude van Damme," explores the transformative power of this Belgian action star on a personal journey towards well-being and self-fulfilment. It is a story of how the reverberations of a larger-than-life figure can ripple through the years, echoing in the everyday existence of ordinary people, giving them the strength to forge ahead and embrace life's fullness, at any age. The Eternal Echo of Brussels' Muscles: A Tribute to Jean Claude van Damme In flickering light of screens aglow, We saw him—Brussels' muscular show. Jean Claude van Damme, a name we knew, A paradigm of what men could do. Kickboxing tales and battles fought, A sculpted form that many sought. His martial grace on silver screen, Did stir in us a boyish dream. We trained, aspired to mimic grace, Yet life's complexities we'd face. Though gym-trod dreams fell by the way, His ethos stayed, come what may. Today, I look into the glass, A chronicle of years amassed. But what reflects is not a man, Decrepit, old, with life's dim span. Instead, a visage fit and keen, Could pass for forty, or so it'd seem. My sweetheart finds me still a catch, In love's enduring, endless match. So thank you, Jean, for what you've done, You set a course I'm glad I've run. The Muscles from Brussels, you'll ever be, A timeless source of strength for me. And as I live this chapter grand, I owe a nod to that distant land. Your influence, a beacon still, That helps me climb life's arduous hill. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:20
The Dance of Nietzschean Flames

The Dance of Nietzschean Flames

Friedrich Nietzsche, a 19th-century German philosopher, is a figure both enigmatic and influential. A sharp critic of traditional European morality and religion, Nietzsche proposed ideas that shocked his contemporaries and continue to stir debate today. His often-misunderstood concept of the "Übermensch" (Overman), his proclamation that "God is dead," and his advocacy for the "will to power" constitute merely the tip of the iceberg that is his expansive philosophy. The following poem, "The Dance of Nietzschean Flames," delves into these facets of his thought, exploring the existential consequences of a world unshackled from dogma. As you read, envision yourself in a dance—sometimes chaotic, sometimes harmonious—around the bonfire of Nietzschean ideals. The Dance of Nietzschean Flames In Germany's heart, a radical was born, Nietzsche by name, tradition to scorn. A philologist first, then a thinker set free, He questioned the mores that bind you and me. "God is dead!" he cried, a hammer in hand, The death knell of faith, throughout the land. With the deity gone, what's left in His stead? A void to be filled, or an abyss to dread? The Übermensch rises, a new dawn to greet, An individual strong, whom norms can't defeat. In a world without God, he carves his own way, A maker of values, in life's grand ballet. Eternal recurrence, a concept quite bold, Live life as if looped, its story retold. Would you celebrate or despair in your strife, If you had to relive each moment of life? "Will to power," a drive that defines our core, Not just a will to live, but to strive for much more. A force that shapes both the weak and the strong, A melody humming in life's endless song. In shadows and light, his philosophy danced, A labyrinth of thought, where many have glanced. Though some find him bleak, and others, profane, In the dance of ideas, Nietzsche's flames still remain. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:11
The Immutable Echo of Newton's Mind

The Immutable Echo of Newton's Mind

The annals of scientific history are adorned with names that have shaped our understanding of the universe, yet few stand as tall as Sir Isaac Newton. A polymath who laid the foundations for classical physics, calculus, and even made significant contributions to optics, Newton's work continues to be the bedrock upon which modern science is built. His ideas not only revolutionized the scientific community but also permeated the very fabric of how we perceive the world. In honour of this monumental figure, the following poem, titled "The Immutable Echo of Newton's Mind," aims to capture the essence of his contributions and their lasting impact on humanity. It serves as a humble tribute to the man who, through his ingenuity and relentless curiosity, forever altered the course of human thought. The Immutable Echo of Newton's Mind In chambers dim, by candle's light, Newton pondered through the night. A mind unbound, in quest to find The sacred laws that govern, bind. The apple fell; the legend goes, A tale to which enlightenment owes. Yet 'twas not fruit that spurred the quest, But ceaseless thought, without a rest. Calculus birthed from his hand's grace, A math to put all things in place. The tangents curve, the slopes ascend, A realm of numbers without end. His prism split the sun's pure beam, A rainbow born—a spectral dream. He taught us light’s clandestine dance, Each hue a stroke of cosmic chance. Through gravity he wove a thread That links the earth to skies o'erhead. A cosmic law, so sound, so fair, That binds us all in one affair. Yet not content to merely dwell In heavens high or earthly shell, He probed the alchemist’s old role, In quest to purify the soul. In Trinity’s hallowed halls he sat, Where scholars donned the thinking hat. Yet even there, amidst acclaim, He shunned the lust for fleeting fame. In annals of all human lore, His name resounds forevermore. A colossus in a mortal guise, A man who helped us touch the skies. For Newton's reach transcended man, A universal, endless span. He taught us how to grasp the sky; A gift for which we can't decry. Such legacy shall not abate, A truth as certain as our fate. For like the laws he came to find, He's etched forever in our mind. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:41
The Middle Path: Verses on Buddha's Teachings

The Middle Path: Verses on Buddha's Teachings

The teachings of Buddhism have captivated minds and hearts for millennia. Originating with Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, this ancient philosophy aims to provide a comprehensive guide to human existence, focusing on the alleviation of suffering and the attainment of spiritual enlightenment. At the core of Buddhism are the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, principles that serve as the foundation for a life lived in balance, wisdom, and compassion. The following poem, titled "The Middle Path: Verses on Buddha's Teachings," seeks to encapsulate the essence of these profound teachings in verse. While no poem could fully encompass the depth and breadth of Buddhist philosophy, it serves as an introductory glimpse into a path that has illuminated the lives of countless individuals across time and space. Through poetic form, it distils complex ideas into more approachable terms, inviting the reader to delve further into the teachings that have inspired so many to walk the Middle Way. The Middle Path: Verses on Buddha's Teachings In quietude, beneath the Bodhi tree, A seeker sat, bound by desire, yet free. Awake he rose, dispelling night with day, To walk a path, that's known as Middle Way. Four Noble Truths to suffering's domain, An insight into life's intrinsic pain. Existence ails, though this we can withstand, By following the Eightfold Noble Plan. "Right View," the lens through which we see our fate, "Right Intention," free of malice and hate. "Right Speech," the mindful words we ought to say, "Right Action," in our deeds, make no dismay. "Right Livelihood," to earn without a cost, To soul and others, so no good is lost. "Right Effort," in pursuits both big and small, "Right Mindfulness," awareness of it all. The last is "Right Concentration," the key, To mental stillness and tranquillity. Together, they lay groundwork for the soul, To reach Nirvana, life’s ultimate goal. In simple terms, do not from love abstain, But grasp it so, free from attachment's chain. Each fleeting moment, a lesson to be known, A chance for seeds of wisdom to be sown. In this brief verse, I've tried to encapsulate, Buddha's great teachings, to love, not to hate. So tread this path, in heart, and soul, and mind, And may you too, your inner Buddha find. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:40
The Quantum Quandary: A Dance of Uncertainty

The Quantum Quandary: A Dance of Uncertainty

In the intricate world of quantum physics, where particles act both as waves and matter, there lies a principle that has puzzled and fascinated scientists for decades—the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. It tells us that the more precisely we know one property of a particle, like its position, the less precisely we can know another, like its momentum. Named after the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, this principle is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics. But don't fret if these terms sound alien; you don't need a PhD to appreciate the wonder and the mystery that it brings to our understanding of the universe. In simpler terms, it's like trying to measure both the speed and location of a fleeting firefly on a summer's night; the act of discovering one disturbs the other. To explore this fascinating concept, we delve into the realm of verse, hoping to make the elusive accessible, the complex simple. Here is a poetic take on this unfathomable principle that governs the world of the very small. Feel free to dive into the poem, "The Quantum Quandary: A Dance of Uncertainty," which aims to explain this scientific enigma in the language of the soul—poetry. In a small room of particles, Dancing to a cosmic tune, There's a rule we must acknowledge, In the realm of the quantum moon. Heisenberg, a name you'll hear, Whispered soft through lab and hall, Tells us clear, we can't know both— Where we are and speed we crawl. Imagine if you're on a swing, Up so high, then back to earth. We can know your soaring height, Or your speed—each has its worth. But never both at once, my friend, In this world of tiny things. A quantum law of give and take, Uncertainty forever clings. No matter how we peek and pry, Tools so sharp and minds so keen, The more we know of where you are, The less your speed can then be seen. So in a dance of fate and chance, Particles elude our gaze. Heisenberg ensures we know, Certainty's lost in quantum haze. This principle, in words so few, Tells the cosmos' quirky rule. A mystery we still pursue, In every quantum school. I hope this poem clarifies, The enigma we explore, It's Heisenberg who tells us why, Some truths remain behind the door. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:26
The Ethic of Kindness in a Digital Land

The Ethic of Kindness in a Digital Land

In today's digital age, social media platforms have become the new public squares, where people from all walks of life come together to share, comment, and interact. While these platforms offer an unparalleled opportunity for connection and communication, they also present a unique set of challenges. The anonymity and distance provided by the screen can sometimes embolden individuals to say things they wouldn't dare utter in person, forgetting the human element behind each username and avatar. It's easy to neglect the emotional weight that words carry, especially when one is shielded by the comfort of a screen. The old adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me," has proven time and again to be fundamentally flawed. Words do have the power to hurt, sometimes more deeply than physical wounds. With this in mind, the following poem, "The Ethic of Kindness in a Digital Land," aims to serve as a gentle reminder to all. It exhorts us to extend the same courtesy, kindness, and understanding that we would offer in face-to-face interactions to our virtual communications as well. For in being kind, we enrich not just others' lives, but our own as well. The Ethic of Kindness in a Digital Land In pixels and text, we often forget, The power of words, in a digital net. We type and we post, in this virtual space, Unaware of the hurt, that we might just place. If face-to-face, would we utter the same? Or soften our tone, from which harshness came? A screen as a shield, may embolden our words, Turning whispers to shouts, too easily heard. "Sticks and stones," so the old saying goes, But words wound deeper, as everybody knows. For a comment that's snide or a tweet that's unkind, Can haunt someone's day and burden their mind. So, let's take a pause, before we submit, Would we say this aloud? Does it truly fit? Let’s shed the guise social media can lend, And speak to each other, as we would a friend. Virtual or not, let’s be equally kind, For hurt leaves a mark, not just on the skin, but mind. In this age of likes, and emojis so grand, Let's not forget, it's love that makes us stand. So, post if you must, but let kindness adhere, As if the person you mention could actually hear. For words have the power to both heal and scar, Choose wisely your phrases, no matter how far. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:53
The Melding of Black Hat and White Hat: A Cybernetic Love Tale

The Melding of Black Hat and White Hat: A Cybernetic Love Tale

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you think the realms of hacking and cybersecurity are devoid of romance, think again! Our story unfolds not in moonlit gardens or crowded ballrooms, but in the hidden crevices of the internet—where firewalls, not walls of stone, keep people apart. Amid the maze of code and cloak-and-dagger tactics, two solitary figures find their firewalls permeable to something unexpected: love. In a world of black and white, of ethical hacking and cyber exploits, comes a tale that challenges all preconceived notions. Love, as it turns out, is the ultimate life-hack, capable of uniting even the most disparate of binaries. So, without further ado, we present you with an unconventional yet enchanting narrative of connection and partnership. Get ready to immerse yourself in "The Melding of Black Hat and White Hat: A Cybernetic Love Tale." Prepare for an emotional debugging like you've never experienced before! The Melding of Black Hat and White Hat: A Cybernetic Love Tale In the depths of the web where the firewalls sigh, Two hackers in hats met, no need to ask why. One hat was pitch black, like a void in the night, The other was white, like the screen's pallid light. "Good evening," said Black Hat, with mischief a-glow, "Are you lost in this labyrinth, running to and fro?" "Oh, not quite," said White Hat, "I'm patching a flaw, Making systems secure, upholding the law." "But what brings you here?" asked White Hat, intrigued. "I look for vulnerabilities," Black Hat conceded. "Intriguing, quite so," said White Hat, and grinned, "For your skills could be used to help all of our kin." As bytes turned to kilobytes, then megabytes soared, They found common code that neither ignored. By sharing their keys, encrypted and true, A hybrid connection, both black and white grew. "Let's unite," said Black Hat, "for love's sake, so dear, In a dual-boot life, with nothing to fear. We'll patch up our differences, balance our code, And walk side by side on the binary road." "Oh, I do agree," said White Hat, so keen, "Let's get ourselves married in cyberspace green. Our firewall of love, unbreakable, vast, Will withstand any hack, any shadow that's cast." They summoned a bot, certified to officiate, To merge their two codes in love's fortunate state. With algorithms as vows, and cursors for rings, They wed in a terminal, where encryption sings. Now, Black Hat and White Hat, a pair quite divine, Use their skills to make sure that both worlds intertwine. With love as their guide, and their hats side by side, They live in a network where love can't subside. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:56
Lost in Abundance: The Struggle to Choose

Lost in Abundance: The Struggle to Choose

The poem "Lost in Abundance: The Struggle to Choose" delves into the complexities that arise from an overabundance of choices in various aspects of modern life. It serves as a poignant commentary on the human condition in an age of unparalleled options, capturing the sentiments of a young individual navigating through the maze of life's opportunities. The poem explores four key domains where the character feels the weight of choices: love, location, career, and even something as seemingly simple as food. Each stanza is a window into the character's mental struggle to make decisions when faced with numerous possibilities. The options, while seemingly liberating, become paralysing, creating a sense of entrapment. The theme revolves around the ironic dichotomy of abundance and scarcity—abundance of options leading to a scarcity of satisfaction and certainty. The protagonist is "lost at sea" despite standing at the junction of numerous pathways, which should theoretically lead to freedom and happiness. This oxymoronic state speaks to the broader societal condition where the plethora of choices has not necessarily translated into a better quality of life. While the poem portrays these choices as a source of anguish and confusion, it also quietly questions the supposedly inherent value of having endless options. In an era where individualism and freedom are often measured by the ability to choose, the poem challenges this notion by illustrating the emotional and psychological toll that choice can exact. In essence, "Lost in Abundance: The Struggle to Choose" serves not just as a reflection of personal indecision, but as a mirror to a society struggling with the complexities ushered in by abundance. It confronts the reader with the ironic dilemma that sometimes, having more can actually feel like much less. Lost in Abundance: The Struggle to Choose In a world awash with hues, I stand, Each shade a path, each hue a strand. From love to work, to where I'll dwell, Each choice a heaven, each a hell. Oh, love, you’re fickle; options vast, A swipe to right, a swipe to last. Each face a sonnet, eyes a verse, Yet scrolling through feels like a curse. A place to live? Oh, how I pine, From city lights to woods divine. Skyscrapers tall, or small town charm, Each has its pull, each has its harm. And jobs, oh jobs, they clutter minds, From suits and ties to art that binds. What pays the bills yet feeds the soul? A question old as stories told. Now food, you'd think, would simpler be, A plate, a taste, a sip of tea. Yet aisles and aisles of choices bloom, A paradox that spells my doom. And so I stand in crossroads vast, A young soul tethered to the mast. More choice, they say, will set you free, Yet here I am, still lost at sea. So I ponder on this paradox, Of endless roads that form a box. Amidst abundance, choices spree, I find I’m less, when more could be. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:03:03
The Silent Affliction: A Journey from Iatrogenesis to Self-Healing

The Silent Affliction: A Journey from Iatrogenesis to Self-Healing

In a world where medical expertise is often considered the final word on health, the following poem explores the lesser-discussed phenomenon of iatrogenesis - the harm caused by medical intervention. Told from the perspective of a young woman who navigated a labyrinth of diagnoses and prescriptions, the narrative uncovers a different path to well-being. Instead of finding her cure in pills and procedures, she discovers the healing powers of a balanced lifestyle, nutritious diet, and intermittent fasting. This poetic journey serves as a poignant reminder that sometimes the best medicine isn't medicine at all. The Silent Affliction: A Journey from Iatrogenesis to Self-Healing In white coats they came, a procession of grace, With stethoscopes dangling, stern looks on each face. "Iatrogenesis," a term yet unknown, Was the silent affliction to which I'd be prone. They scanned and they prodded, with needles they'd poke, An army of pills, in Latin, they spoke. Each doctor prescribed a cure for my plight, Yet none saw the dawn, just perpetual night. The pills brought new demons—side effects untold, A cycle, it seemed, in medical hold. "More tests," they'd exclaim, "we'll get to the root!" But each intervention was moot, then reroute. My soul knew the answer lay not in their vials, In scans and in screens and never-ending trials. I turned to the earth, to the sun and the breeze, In wholesome foods found, and in nature's great ease. I broke from the dawn, till the setting of sun, An intermittent fast; a new life had begun. No longer ensnared by pharmaceutical bind, I found in good health, peace of body and mind. Doctors and nurses, though trained to the letter, It's clear now to see, nature treats us much better. The irony stings, as I find my way clear, In lifestyle and diet, the cure was so near. No malice I bear to those draped in white linen, For they, too, are part of a system—not winnin'. "Iatrogenesis," a term I now know, A lesson hard-earned in this life's ebb and flow. So here lies my tale, an alternative view, That health can be simple when choices are few. A tale that unearths the innate wisdom we hold, To listen to ourselves, as the truest truth told. #Poetry #Spoken Word #Narration #Animation #Life Lessons #Existentialism #Philosophy #History #Love #Nature #Human Experience #Self-Discovery #Social Commentary #Emotional Journey #Inner Reflection #Animated Narrator #Personal Growth #Spirituality #Romantic Poetry #Nostalgia #Free Verse #Sonnet #Haiku #Limerick #Ode #For Thinkers #Inquisitive Minds #For Dreamers #Soul-Searching #Mindfulness #Video Poems #Online Literature #Poetry Community #Poetry Playlist #Captions Available #Original Content
00:00:00 - 00:02:33